Why Your Company Should Have a Live Chat on Website?

Here are 10 reasons your company should have a live chat:

·         Convenience for customers

·         Reduced costs

·         Increased conversions

·         Long-term relationships

·         Improved customer service productivity

·         In-depth reports

·         Fast inquiry resolution

·         Competitive advantage

The power of live chat is something you can’t ignore. According to Forrester Research, 44% of online shoppers say that having a live agent answer their questions using live chat while they’re in the process of buying something online is the most important feature a website can provide.

Convenience for customers

People who use live chat are divided into two categories. The first category is potential buyers. The most common situations where potential online buyers use live chat are:

Ø  They want to learn more about the product specifications.

Ø  They’re having trouble finding a particular item on a website.

Ø  They want to compare products.

These scenarios have a huge impact on purchase decisions. Live Chat sessions account for over 38% of online customer purchase decisions.


One of the live chat users are your current customers. The most common reasons they use live chat include:

     Ø  They want to ask about “Return policies”


Ø  They want to check their order status

Ø  They want to report bugs or recommend improvements to your service.

Another great benefit of live chat is that you get almost immediate feedback or notifications when a large-scale customer facing issue arises. For example, if you’re running a software-as-a-service (SaaS) business and something goes wrong, you can get immediate feedback from your customers’ perspective via customer service chat.

Reduced costs

Major advantage of a live chat WordPress plugin is its
cost-effectiveness. How does live chat cost-effectiveness work?


·        Live chat agents can handle multiple chats at
the same time, so there is no need to hire additional agents.


·        Intelligent live chat software like Live Agent
offers a wide range of options for live chat distribution and usage.


·        Live chat increases average order value because
customers receive real-time guidance and answers to their questions.

·         Live chat saves “product return” expenses as customer service chat representatives can help you choose the product or service that best suits the customer’s needs.

      ·         Consumers are more satisfied with a live chat product, so there’s less likelihood of them                        returning it.

      ·         Live chat reduces total help desk Centre expenses by reducing waiting queue time in                              comparison with a call Centre.


Increased conversions

Nowadays, it is more important than ever to stand out from your competitors. The number of business competitors is huge and growing day by day. Many eCommerce websites have integrated live chat support into their help desk software in order to give real-time answers to their customers rather than having them leave their website for a competitor. You may be wondering if live chat is relevant to your business.


Yes, it is! Whether you are a small business, medium-sized business, or a large corporation, live chat gives you a competitive advantage in any industry. Corporations like Apple, SKY and Virgin Airlines all utilize customer service chat to stay one step ahead of their competitors.


Long-term relationships

Having a live human guide, you through the process of making a purchase makes you feel more confident, and customers are more likely to spend time on your site. A good customer experience leads to an increased average order value.


So, your sales directly benefit from live chat. According to multiple studies, one of the biggest benefits of live chat is an increase of 20%+ in conversion rates.


Improved Customer Service Productivity

Satisfied customers are less likely to change. Plus, they’re less price sensitive. According to experts, customers who feel cared for are less worried about what they’re paying for.


In fact, research shows that 63% of people who have used live chat are more likely to return than those who do not. Regular customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and are cheaper to retain because they’re familiar with your company and its processes.


If customers feel like their voice is being heard and they’re talking to a face-to-face representative, they are more likely to have a stronger relationship with your company and share their good experience.




In-depth reports

If you use high-quality live chat software, you’ll have reports built-in to track your customers’ behaviour and your agents’ performance. That way, your company can gather valuable data to improve on a daily basis. For example, you can track low-performing members of your online chat customer support and provide them with guidance or further training.Or, you can track the customer inquiries that went unanswered, took too long, escalated, and so on.


Continuous monitoring can help your support or service improve the customer experience every day by identifying pain points in your customer service.


Fast Enquiry Resolution

Nowadays, live chats are full of buttons. Another important feature of live chat is the sharing of links, attachments and images. These are all features that help your online live chat customer service handle customer inquiries effectively.


Let’s say you’re trying to explain the entire process or guide to a client over the phone. In some cases, sharing an article from your Knowledgebase, along with a video or other attachment, can help your client understand everything step by step and avoid any confusion.